Tuesday, October 5, 2010

one logic vs various approaches

  • him: oh, so you don't like aerobics?
  • her: my brain sucks at interpreting body movements, then sending it back to muscle joints for synchronization. Wanna like it but i couldn't. So.. i gave up and find alternative way to do another activity that's just as benefiting.
  • him: and what would that be?
  • her: dancing at the clubs. sure, doing it at home with the same genre of music might work as well but one tends to dance longer/crazier at some dancefloor, hence, burning more calories.
  • him: THERE YOU GO. you don't like to be told what to do. your brain reacts and find another way to do it, the way you prefer and LIKE doing it.
  • her: i suppose so?
  • him: and you love maths, eh?
  • her: i freaking love maths.
  • him: that's because mathematics has only one definite 'logical' answer, explained by numbers and not alphabets. no rephrasing. nothing. ONE and that's all.
  • her: And???
  • him: it's inter related. when you understand the logic behind mathematics, and everyone in the world could only give the same answer. your brain accepts it. adapts to it. but, as for aerobics... moving bodies to sweat it out and get healthy with one to eight steps could be done many other ways. and your brain just rejects it because you could DIY.
  • her: are you trying to say, this is applicable to everyone?
  • him: not everyone. some are different. their brains are more tolerant in accepting different kinda theories etc. and by being less tolerant, it doesn't mean one's brain is less than the tolerant(s). YOU are just different.
  • her: :) I will never mind being different as long as this trait of me still sum up to who i am.

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