Thursday, March 31, 2011

There is .....

There’s that roller coaster ride. Annihilating crazy bumps. Tingling ticklish vibes. Many sheepish smiles in between suppressed annoyance(s).

There’s that lane. Advance route for labyrinth experts. You cry. You scream. You blush. You giggle. You bask in the silence of one final road.

There’s that pace. You accelerate. Others speed up to keep up w/ the speed. You halt. You observe. You decelerate with bold freeze, smiling.

There’s the mingle-r. You move around. They assume you flirt. You couldn’t care less. You interact. You lock & you move forward with a grin.

There are the special-s. They demand zero attention. Stick to their ways of doing things. Stand out without having to. Ultimate effortless.

There’s karma. You believe it. Some don’t. Nobody’s proving what’s what or the otherwise. Retribution happens. Everybody introspect.again.

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