Monday, August 23, 2010

a closeted box

i think…its about time i open that one box hidden deep inside the closet. its been several years, anyway.

i love love love HIMYM series. but.. season 2. episode 1 and 2… mind HAD been forced to block and keep it hidden inside the box.

pre-premiere torrent downloads and dvd conversion. surprise midnight self-made brownies. french redwine. 2 episodes. 1 sofa. shared.

significant first date. all customized for the girl’s likings. then, within few blinks. twisted lane haunted. a stupid ferry ride to macau.

several blinks after. still the same sofa. two distorted minds. how very ungentleman farewell bidded. a stranded girl lost in HK. broken.

and the girl thanks the universe today. broken soul nomore. can’t be fucked by dude’s existence, either. Box, you’re open. and empty now. =)

THIS, is to remind me another peace with the mind has been dealt

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